Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thankful Saturday

I am borrowing a leaf from Aloted, making a list of things I am grateful for. I am not in the habit of counting my blessings cos, i am afraid of jinxing them. But that's superstitious isn't it? And besides, I do believe in destiny and so, que sera sera, whatever will be will be. Will aim for three, seven, ten or eleven things to love about today; here goes. . .

1) My Angel on earth is over his illness. Was teething cos soon as he started getting better, the crown of the tooth appeared. Will post a picture as soon as I can get him to smile at the camera instead of giving his 'camera stare'. I don't have to force him to eat anymore, he's been sleeping 6 hours through; if I could just get him to start crawling. . .

2) Hubby I guess, he take the baby and feeds and plays with him in the morning so i can get a few more hours of sleep, gets up @ night when i have to get up to soothe the pikin. Does a few things around the house without being nagged to do them. He is not a woman beater (and I would have mentioned that I do not have to worry about other women, but I trust no man not even my own father, so I'll leave it at that).

3) Found a new daycare, so I have left the other miserable woman alone. The new one is hispanic and does not speak much english. So far so good she has other kids with her and she is a like real mommy to them all as in, they flock around her and do not fear her which is a quality the other two did not have. Only time will tell sha, but as of today I am glad to leave my baby with someone who seems to genuinely adore kids.

4) Am off on Saturdays.

5)I have exceeded my sales target at work, big deal because in the year that I've been here; my sales are usually about halfway to target. I am a terrible sales person and used to talk myself out of sales; as in, after making an offer, I tell the customer both advantages and disadvantages of the service (cos i wish everyone else would do that for me too). Now, I keep my big mouth shut. If they figure it out, good, if they don't I get my sale. I mean, I need my job and besides, all i'm asking is that they keep whatever they buy for a month so I get my commission.


  1. I am also scared of jinxing things babe, can't help it...each time i tell friends about a guy the relationship ends the very next day..

    Glad ur lil angel is fine now...he will soon be eating meat and bones :)

  2. good to know u are adopting the thankful sure pays to be thankful..

    lol @"hubby i guess" emphasis on i guess...

    so does that mean u work on sundays?

    good to hear about the new daycare

  3. @afrobabe
    It really doesn't matter what you do, if he's yours, he will stick around. But just in case, don't tell them anymore.

    Yes I work on Sundays and though I'm off Mondays I sometime go in for the extra money ;)

  4. Awwwww, ur Angel looks so adorable!

  5. i love your baby's picture! he's cute.. totally cute... let me quickly go and marry so i can born a baby girl and we can do alliance.

    Your sales tactics make me smile.. that is actually the way sales should be though... with some honestly but frankly our world is not like that so yes keep shut and make the sale... shikena!

  6. @ Angel, thanks

    lol, it will be like the old days when people were joined together from infancy. I sometimes wonder how it worked. . .at other times i think it would have made life soooo much easier. No dates, just grow up, do whatever and move next door to your husbands' house.

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