Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sex on the mind.

The year is going by so fast, am over the homesickness, was just really stressed out and that was cured with the sound sleep I got from the two days hubby moved to the other room. He arrived back on the third day and when i was woken up by snores after merely two hours sleep, I bundled my angel on earth into the guest room for some peace and quiet. Hubby wasn't happy that we had to manage the small bed and so our current arrangement is, I wake him up when he gets too loud so he sleeps on the smaller bed; and at least he has stopped throwing his head back when sleeping which has reduced the snoring considerably.

Speaking of which, is it just me or do you find yourself wondering where or when people first think about sex? I have know there was something people did called sex for as long as I can remember. I may have been off on details at first, but I vaguely knew what it was and I always wondered where the thought came from.

It finally occurred to me one night doing hubby, I glance beside him at the little one . He was wide awake and when our eyes meet, he gives me this huge beautiful grin. Of course I decided to always put him in his bed every night -which by the way I did not do because its hard getting up to nurse when you're tired, but good parents that we are, we don't do anything with him on the bed anymore - but realized then where some people got their thoughts from, I guess I slept on my parents' bed till I was 2. Tell me I didn't witness something in those two years.

Why am I even talking about this sef?


  1. lol! Oh my! We co-slept with our children and that definitely affected our *ahem* activities. =)

    Check this out.

    Take care!

  2. LMAO...u have scar-ed him...kai..wonder if the little angel is already planning how many babes he will have..

  3. LOL my son usually starts crying when we're about to do, so we have to "stop",rock him and place him in his cot or at least far away before we get down to business

  4. oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    he will remember..........

    just kidding
    me thinks people cant remember anything before age 1

    but once he starts to sleep all thru the night
    you are home free..........

  5. @ solomonsydelle,
    I was horrified by that story. . .now the boy will look at his parents in wonder and then one day, the light bulb goes off! They were doing it! LOL. Just kidding, can' t help myself.

    My baby still has his halo, lol.

    @ fluffy,
    Doesn't that kill the mood?

    If we wait that long, we'll probably forget how to do it by the time that happens, lol. Will kick him out of our room as soon as is possible.

  6. eh! hmmmm. my dear, no do oh wen he dey room. i picked up on dat all important lesson when my little nephew @ less than a year started bouncing on me d day we slept together. if u see as i screamed eh. i just called him mama & papa & told them to get d boy his own bedroom ASAP. kids pick information faster dan adults comprehend oh. now, dat boy (7 years now) is much more sexually aware than his younger sister (who is 4). he has always been like dat. there was one day his sister was bouncing on him (she was 2, he was 4), he objected complaining to his mom that 'my sister is marrying me!' i tell, kids r aware!

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