I am back on blogger because I need a creative outlet. I have done Facebook but had to censor every post because I only added family and friends. I just do not like people being all up in my business. I am also sensitive to other people's struggles so the "glam, happy life" posts made me feel as though I was bragging in the midst of other people's struggles. I quickly discovered that I couldn't share anything of relevance and resorted to philosophical quotes. Even those, I have replaced with memes. I am about to stop that too because people close to me began to send me messages of encouragement. It was awkward telling some that a bad moment did not mar my whole day and twenty melancholy posts did not mean that I was depressed.
That said, I am more concerned when people stop posting. Especially people whom I know personally. I know it means they are either busy (new job, life change or school). I am also wise enough to know that it means they are going through a struggle of some sort and do not want to be in the public eye. Also I know a lot of evil people who only post scripture. All this is to illustrate how inaccurate Facebook and Instagram are at determining other people's mental status.
I became meme queen on whatsapp statuses and I have discovered my new followers are not even my own siblings but my in laws. Always acting as though there was more meaning to the quote or meme that I post. In fact their ability to read meanings led me to block them which made hubby raise his brows and think that it was the beginning of my distancing myself from his family. As the peacemaker that I am I have screened my status updates to the point that they are meaningless, nothing provocative and so here I am again. I need an outlet for temporary feelings which will only dwell if I don't let them out.